At Bayswater West we aim to provide students at all levels with a sound understanding of mathematical concepts, as well as the ability to find and apply links between maths, other areas of the curriculum and their everyday lives.
When teaching maths, we provide students with explicit and targeted teaching of skills and concepts across all areas of the Victorian Maths Curriculum, which includes Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Chance and Data. Explicit teaching gives students the opportunity to learn specific strategies and approaches for solving problems and applying mathematical skills. |

Students are also engaged with a wide variety of maths experiences that include using concrete materials, exploring and testing mathematical ideas, and building on their prior knowledge. Students complete maths tasks both individually and collaboratively with peers, building their ability to communicate ideas and explain their thinking. Our students are encouraged to be critical thinkers, and to use creativity when finding solutions to mathematical problems and challenges.
We believe all students can succeed in maths, and provide opportunities for them to access concepts and ideas at their required level. We develop their skills through relating maths learning to four proficiencies: understanding, fluency, problem solving and reasoning.
We believe all students can succeed in maths, and provide opportunities for them to access concepts and ideas at their required level. We develop their skills through relating maths learning to four proficiencies: understanding, fluency, problem solving and reasoning.

At Bayswater West Primary School, students complete a range of assessment tasks for Mathematics to determine their current level of understanding, and to set goals for future learning. These assessments include formal pen and paper tests, as well as hands on Common Assessment Tasks that may include the use of materials, diagrams and annotations.